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Associate Agris Dēdelis

Juridiskie pakalpojumi


Agris Dēdelis, Mg.iur., joined VILGERTS during 2023.

Agris advises clients on contentious and non-contentious matters, with a focus on the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.

Agris’ wealth of experience in both the private and public sector provides an invaluable balance no matter how complex or simple the matter in question is.

Prior to joining VILGERTS, Agris, gained invaluable experience assisting clients in contentious and non-contentious matters within a boutique Latvian law firm focused on advising pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. Agris also worked as a courtroom clerk at the Riga City Court, where his duties included preparing cases for hearing, recording the course of court hearings and preparing drafts of other documents in both civil and criminal cases.


2023 / Associate, VILGERTS
2020-2023/Lawyer, ZAB RM LEGAL SIA
2017-2020/ Legal Assistant, SIA “RM BIROJS”
2014-2017/ Courtroom clerk, Riga City Court


2020 / University of Latvia, Mag.iur.
2017 / University of Latvia, Bac.iur.

Juridiskie pakalpojumi


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    Juridiskie pakalpojumi


    • Emojis: can they create binding legal contracts in Latvia?

      November 22, 2023

      by Agris Dēdelis, Associate

      On 8 June 2023, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that a supplier’s claim for debt collection from the buyer for the supply of linseed was justified due to the fact that the buyer had agreed to the terms of the contract by sending the supplier a “👍” or raised thumb emoji (see KING'S BENCH FO...

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    • The risks attached to unpaid work of a Board Member.

      June 13, 2023

      by Agris Dēdelis, Associate

      Nearly all natural and legal persons who engage in an economic activity encounter debtors who deliberately evade fulfilment of their obligations or attempt to do so in an unlawful or unethical manner. It is emphasised, such behaviour by a debtor is wholly unacceptable and illegal. There are variou...

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