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Juridiskie pakalpojumi


Mandatory electronic mailboxes for all Latvian legal entities as of 1 January 2023

As of 1 January 2023, an official electronic mailbox (or email address) will be mandatory for all legal entities, including both limited liability and joint stock companies. The email address shall serve as the company’s official electronic mailbox for all communication with state and local government institutions. Any paper mail communication will no longer be necessary and it shall be possible to communicate with the municipality and state institutions, as well as to conclude contracts and receive the services of a public notary.

The electronic mailbox can be created free of charge through the portal or by integrating in the solution into your company’s document circulation volume (the technical information can be found here: Through, the company’s official electronic mailbox can be created and accessed via means of electronic identification (eID card, eParaksts app or eParaksts card). The official electronic mailbox is created using the registration number assigned to the company and can be created by a person who is registered as the company’s representative in the Company Register. Once the electronic mailbox is created, its access can also be transferred to third parties through authorization on the portal.

All the necessary information about creating and using an electronic mailbox can be found and the electronic mailbox can be created on the portal: When creating an electronic mailbox for a legal entity, please choose the option “Legal person” in the identification window.

September 27, 2022